Theme & Lore
Climate Guardians Theme and Game Lore.
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Climate Guardians Theme and Game Lore.
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Once, the universe was encompassed within a serene silence. Then, from out of nowhere, the sprout of life flourished within thèse barren worlds, transforming the grey into green. Seven beings arose during the earliest years of life, powerful creatures that knew of the fragile nature of life and so sworn their power to protect such existence within the universe.
Those seven would be, Boitatä, Caipora, Mapinguari, Caboclo d’Àgua, Cobra-Grande, Curupira, and the Anhangä.
Soon enough, however, a great evil would come into play in this growing cycle of nature. The Jurupari, “The Great Evil,” would introduce himself to the seven guardians as their creator and father. He revealed that their purpose was not as guardians of the natural order but as breakers of the very cycle. With their new directive, they would be reformed as the DAU, and from planet to planet, they would lay to waste their thriving ecosystems. Curupira, the youngest of the seven, would be sent to earth to integrate within its growing life and to snuff it out when the time came.
At the time, the earth was an infant compared to other thriving worlds, with its life only beginning to flourish. The Curupira would land amongst the great amazon rainforest, home to the four tribes of nature: the Insect tribe, the Fungi tribe, the Plant tribe, and the Elemental tribe. Before his arrival, the tribes lived in a parasitic relationship, always taking advantage of each other to survive. With the Curupira learning each of their languages, he was able to bridge communications between the four, finally joining them in one true understanding to live in a harmonious, beneficial and symbiotic relationship.
Though the Curupira’s intentions began as a means to their destruction, their motives would slowly be swayed by the tribes. The beauty of the cycle and all of its forms started to alter his perspective. After fully integrating with the natural order, the Curupira returned to his position as a guardian of nature, defying his father and abandoning his mission.
This act of treason angered his brethren and Jurupari, who then devised to use the very spawn of nature itself to exact his revenge against his betraying son.
Humans would arise on the planet, proving to be an innovative species that would build their nests and settlements across the lands they resided. At first, such expansion was seen as a natural stage of a growing species. But then came the constructs, forms of metal, brick, and plastic, with some standing as high as the mountains. These constructs began to take the place of trees, earning them the name “The Unnatural Forest” amongst the tribes. Threatening to push their constructs into the domain of the rain forest, the Curupira stepped in to communicate with this rapidly expanding species.
An understanding was formed between the tribes and the humans, and as a result, a treaty was made that would ensure that the humans only took from the land what was required of them. Peace had taken its reign over the humans and tribes for the next hundred years. But all the while, little to the knowledge of the Curupira, the humans would succumb to a poison afflicted by the Jurupari. A poison that would ensure greed to take hold over humanity’s vision and lead to their attack on the Tree of life.
The Tree of Life is home to the “One Wheel,” sometimes referred to as “The Natural Cycle.” A manifestation of the natural order brought into physical form and protected within this everlasting tree. Those who control the tree’s roots may also be granted the power bestowed by the cycle; this is where those who can cast natural magic derive their strength from. And it was here where the humans would target for their next strike.
The trees burned under the wake of the human onslaught, streaming through the forests with their unnatural constructs, making a mockery of what they destroyed. The tribes did what they could to prevent the attack, but they couldn’t defend against the might of mankind. The Tree of life fell under the siege, with its leaves burnt and its bark stripped. The tribes were forced to retreat further into the forest, taking refuge in territories that would only grow smaller by the year.
The Curupira would begin to lose his ability to bridge the communication between the many tribes, leading to the dismantling of the symbiosis that existed between them for so long. Small fits and battles would wage between them as anger brewed from misunderstandings. But after the years of petty fights, they would soon come to realize that there was no longer a time to hide. Even without the ability to speak to one another, a combined will to survive against these growing constructs was enough to fuel their alliance once again.
Luckily for the tribes, the Curupira would scour the gravesite of the Tree of Life, and through his search would find a root from the Tree that had survived that attack. While it was only a fragment of the power held by the Natural Cycle, it was enough to give the tribes a fighting chance. To his surprise, he also discovered amongst the ashes a small sapling, one that he believed to have belonged to the Tree of Life, giving the tribes hope in growing a new tree.
With the branch’s power, he was able to prepare for an oncoming attack by the humans, summoning a barricade of mushrooms that surrounded the forest as the tribes gathered within the citadel.